We are thrilled to announce the release of our newest album, Alone Together. You can stream it now on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, etc. and pre-order the album on vinyl.
New Website
Welcome to the new website! As you may know, the Wandas have been on an extended hiatus since 2014, however individual members have been busy with other projects. Links below.
Album Released Today! - New Interface (a design with friends for the future)
Hello WANDA-ers
We're pleased to announce that our new full length LP is available today on all digital stores, such as iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, etc.
The album is called: New Interface [a design with friends for the future].
The album was Produced by Joel Ford, Mixed by Patrick Krief and Engineerd by J. Saliba.
New Track Released: Davy Jones' Locher
Here's a new track off of our new album: New Interface (a design with friends for the future). The track is called Davy Jones' Locher. Enjoy!
'Mad Man' - First Single from new album Released
Our first single off of our new album "New Interface (a design with friends for the future)" is released. It's called Mad Man and you can listen and download below. Enjoy and Share with your friends.
New Album Title Track Released!
Hi all,
Today we release the official name of our upcoming record as well as a teaser track that bears the same name. New Interface (A design with friends for the future) will be the title of The Wandas' new record.
As we interact with our constant, ever present, changing environment we will always need a 'New Interface' to aid in our development. This is true in everything from new technology to people working in accord towards a better future for us all. The idea was inspired by the futurist Jacque Fresco and his book 'The best that money can't buy: Beyond politics, poverty, & war'
Enjoy and please share.
First track off new LP Released
Hi All,
This is the first song we're releasing off the new album. It also happens to be the first Wandas' song with no lyrics. It's called Hood River Blues
The backstory: We played a fantastic show in Seattle and had the next two days off; well deserved after our 14 shows in 14 days trek cross country! Our friends from Audiosocket recommended we take the scenic route and park at a campground site on Hood River, which borders Washington state and Oregon. After crossing an extremely narrow bridge, we pulled into the campsite for the night. The scenery was breathtaking. Within minutes of parking, I (Keith) grabbed my guitar and notebook, and headed towards the river. Below is a photo taken by Marc Lovely through a log, as I'm writing this song. The song is appropriately called "Hood River Blues." Hope you enjoy. Please share this link with your friends, download and enjoy!
We will be releasing more songs off the new album every Wednesday until its release.
Self Titled Studio Sessions - VIDEO
Hey Folks. Last year we released our Self Titled Album. You can listen to it in it's entirity via the youtube video below. The music is set to video from the studio sessions at MixArt Studios in Montreal Quebec, Canada. It was filmed and edited by me (Ross), which is why I'm barely in it. The price of being DIY!
'the WANDAS' selected as 1 of the best albums of 2011 by rslblog.com
Happy New Year all,
It's been a great 2011 and we're looking forward to keeping the momentum going into 2012. We're off to a good start as we're still getting some recognition off of our latest release; our self titled album.
Ryan's Smashing Life (rslblog.com) has selected "the WANDAS" as one of the best albums of 2011. Feel free to snag a digital copy, CD, or vinyl from the online store if you haven't grabbed yet.
Here's an excerpt from the review. You can read the entire article here:
ONE OF THE COUNTRY'S BEST LIVE SHOWS - The Wandas' long awaited self-titled record was released - and was immediately celebrated by fans who were clamoring for new material that more accurately reflected the band's often epic live shows. (Mission accomplished.)
You can read the entire article here:
the WANDAS nominated for best Pop Rock act of 2011 by Boston Music Awards
We're pleased to announce that the nomination committee at the Boston Music Awards has selected the WANDAS as one of 5 bands in the best Pop Rock band of 2011. It's always nice to see some hometown love. Voting is open to the public until November 9th. Click here to cast your vote.
On the Road - 32 Days in - The West Coast
After our must needed rest in Hide River Oregon, we headed to the great city of Portland, Oregon. We were playing another show with our buddies and and and from Portland. I really can't say enough good things about these guys. Great band; awesome guys. I Really hope we can play again with them soon. We played at Bunk Bar. A happening spot, known for good music and good sandwiches. What more do you need?
After Portland it was time to start our descent into California. We made sure to spend plenty of time on the west coast this tour; spending 10 days playing shows in California alone. First on the list was Sacramento. We pulled in late the night before and checked out the neighborhood (which means "go to a bar") and breathed in our fist batch of California air.
Welcome to California - Keith in Sacramento, CA
We played at Old Ironsides, a fun neighborhood bar that has been around for the better part of a century and will probably be there long after we're gone. On the bill were 2 great bands, one of which
On the road - 20 days in
You'll be pleased to know we survived our trifecta of marathon drives from Lincoln, NE to Denver CO, to Denver CO, to Boise ID. Thanks to Marc, (our new addition on the road) our driver, roadie, tour-manager-in-training, he rotated in on some grueling drives for us.
Boise was a really nice city. You never know what to expect being that far from home but we had a little time to stroll around downtown and take in the sites and rather enjoyed ourselves. Our show at the Red Room was really fun. The bar reminded me of some of the places we play in Boston, like Great Scott; a friendly neighborhood spot with PBR tall boys and a quality lineup of music each night.
the WANDAS Live at The Red Room - Boise, ID
We had to leave Boise, ID right when the night was over as we had a 9 hour drive
On the Road - 2 Weeks in
It's been a whirlwind of a couple months. With the release of our new album and prepping for 2+ months on the road it's hard to find time in the day to do anything; before you know it you've played 14 gigs in a row and are in the middle of Idaho. This is our most ambitious tour yet. We're playing almost 50 shows in under 10 weeks across 15,000 miles of the U.S.
In the last 2 weeks we've had one day off without a show, but made up for it on one day when we played 3 full
theWANDAS partner with Lands' End Canvas for USA Tour!
We're pleased to announce that for our 2011 Fall U.S. Tour, we've partnered with Lands' End Canvas. You may be asking, "What does this mean?". Well, the short answer is that Lands' End Canvas will be helping us with our tour support budget and providing us with a new wardrobe in exchange we'll be providing them some concert footage and other content for their website.
The long story is that we're an independent band who has never been under the direction or support of a record label. All of the albums we've created and tours we've gone on have been funded by us or directly by our fans. Our producer, booking agent, publicist, etc all work directly with us; as opposed to being hired by a record label. It's a very rewarding experience to
the WANDAS Featured in The Boston Phoenix
We sat down with The Boston Phoenix on a nice summer evening and Charlie's Kitchen in Harvard Square. We talked about touring, music, partying and near death road RV experiences. Here's an excerpt from the piece but you can read the rest on thephoenix.com.
"In a local music landscape littered with urban cowboys, secret agents, and noir circus troupes (as awesome as those bands may be), the Wandas' lack of gimmickry makes for counterintuitive conspicuousness."
You can read the rest on thephoenix.com.
the WANDAS Album Review: The Boston Herald: A-
There were some kind words from The Boston Herald this week. They reviewed the WANDAS' self titled album and gave it an A-. Here is a quote from the review or you can read the whole review on bostonherald.com.
"Constant touring has paid off for this Boston-based quartet, which has released one of 2011’s finest albums."
Read the whole review on bostonherald.com
the WANDAS featured in The Boston Globe
We had the pleasure of sitting down with Boston Globe correspondent Jonathan Perry on a late summer afternoon at Deep Ellum; one of our favorite local Boston bar and eateries. We chatted about touring, our band, music and life in general. The interview, which felt more like a few music afficianados comparing notes, was published in the Boston Globe this week and can be read in it's entirity here.
Here is an excerpt from the piece.
"With its lusciously melancholic and lushly layered (but, crucially, not overproduced) collection of pop songs that feel and sound like a balmy late summer breeze, “The Wandas’’ does a terrific job of staking the band’s claim of having arrived at long last."
You can read the rest here.
AOL Spinner Features the WANDAS new album for listening party [EXCLUSIVE]
Want to get the full listening experience of our new self-titled album? Thanks to AOL Spinner, you can get your own listening party and stream the album all this week.
Paste Magazine Streaming the WANDAS new Album all week! [EXCLUSIVE]
Are you the type of person who wants to sample before you buy something? Well, you're in luck! One week from today our new Self Titled Album comes out. However, for the next week Paste Magazine will be streaming our new album in it's entirety. If you start listening now you can listen to the whole thing 234 times straight through before the week is over!
After that you can decide if you want to buy it or steal it or whatever the kids do these days. Enjoy!
You can pre-order the album in digital, CD, and vinyl format HERE
American Songwriter Magazine gives 'The Wandas' 4 STARS
Just shy of 1 week from the release date, American Songwriter Magazine had some kind words for the WANDAS' upcoming self titled release. Coming it at 4/5 Stars you can read an excerpt below or check out the whole article at American Songwriter Magazine's website.
"The Boston based quartet’s dreamy pop-rock locks in on a mid-tempo groove and the organic sound captures the effortless strummy melodies and vocal harmonies that recall the days before slick production and too many overdubs robbed music of its magic."
You can pre-order the album in digital, CD, and vinyl format HERE
Stream and download for FREE, the first two tracks off the new Self-Titled album below.